With few exceptions, the young Cannabis industry in Louisiana represents only the industry. We appreciate the problem, we know how to fix the problem and we are beginning the rewarding work of building a better program that works more for the patients and is more inclusive of all stakeholders in our emerging homegrown industry.

We can do better. A LOT better.

And the thing is — we have to. It all starts with transparency and develops through collaboration. Toward that end, we're inviting you to join us at this important table at this important time.

David Brown

Founding Member,

Cannabis Council of Louisiana

David Brown
Who We Are

Cannabis Council of Louisiana

The Cannabis Council of Louisiana works to improve laws and regulations as a group. Emphasizing deeper and wider communication in developing policies for Cannabis consumers and the businesses that serve them. State agencies, private entities and individuals serve in all capacities to help develop and recommend Cannabis policy in Louisiana’s evolving market.